Online Porfolios


For the first two years of my teaching career, I heard other teachers talk about the website Artsonia.  I resisted but after I looked into it myself, I realized what a useful tool it was to have.  This online portfolio follows students their entire K-8 career, as long as they keep uploading artwork.  For my K-3 students, I upload their artwork myself because I do not have them bring their pads to my classroom as it would be more distracting than helpful at that age.  Once they become 4th graders, I teach them how to take pictures of their artwork, upload their art to the website, and have them write an artist statement about their artwork.  I can even use a sentence starter to help students who struggle with writing.  Not only does this website follow students throughout their elementary school career and archive their work, but parents can view their work and purchase items with their child's artwork. Some of the proceeds are then given to the art teacher for that school to use for their art room as they see fit.  It is a great way to supplement the art department's budget, which can vary widely.  This website is a win-win all around, for students, parents, and the art teachers that serve them.


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